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5 Things I Do Daily to Not Go Completely Bat Shit Crazy During COVID-19
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April 6, 2020
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Let’s face it, we’re not going back to normal anytime soon. When I pressed “record” on my phone on March 15th for my documentary I knew that deep down…and now, looking back at that family video I can see that in my eyes…almost eerie looking back.
I’ve kept a video journal since that day, “Day 0” as I call it, and since that day my family, our family of 4, has recorded a small 30-60 second clip, to which I’ll make a documentary with iMovie at the very end for the kids to have one day. I’m also journaling daily about this whole experience, pen to paper. This whole thing is bizarre.
So what’s kept me sane throughout this whole thing? Several factors which I’ve listed below:
Anyone that knows me well knows that my life fundamentally changed in December of 2019 when I went to a meditation retreat which ultimately changed my life. Since then, I do my best to try and meditate every morning, or at least once per day. What’s helped me the most is using the app called Headspace. There are other apps out there too, like Calm and Insight Timer that work well.
The biggest misconception out there is that 1: I’m praying to Buddha (I’m not) and 2: meditation takes up hours of my day (also incorrect.) Here’s a fun fact for you: sometimes I only get in 5 minutes of meditation because I don’t have that much time! Even if you can get in 2 minutes of meditation it’s better than nothing!
Meditation has had an impact on the following for me:
- Decreased my appetite and helped me lose close to 20 pounds
- Helped me with giving up alcohol since January 1, 2020
- Stay more focused in general
If you’ve been on the fence for trying meditation there’s no better time than the present for trying it; give it a try, even just for 5 minutes. Who knows, maybe it will change your life for the better like it did for me! If it does, I want to hear about it!
This is me in my meditation room that I put together right after my retreat in December. It’s my getaway and most recently, added a desk to it for COVID-19 so I can work in here.
Get Dressed
This sounds silly, but getting dressed has kept me sane. Sure, the first couple days weeks were fun wearing yoga pants and no makeup but let’s face it, you perform better when you are dressed for work. You know I’m right.
You know you need to do it. There’s no need for a paragraph on this. Make the time, block of your calendar, and just make this happen. Just do it.
Stick to a Routine
Routine has been big for me. The first week of working at home was chaos.com. My husband and I were winging it with two kids at home, and was working on the floor in my meditation room using Bounty paper towels as a desk. It was quite a show.
Week 2 was a little bit better because we had established a routine with the kids and had hired help, hiring a teacher to work with them every afternoon from 1-5pm, and set them up with a schedule every morning so we could work independently.
Here is my daily routine:
- 7:30-8: meditation
- 12:00-1:00: mindfulness (aka: not at my desk, could be doing yoga or more meditation)
- 5:30-6:30: dinner/family time
- 6:30-7:15: outdoor walk
Get Help
Just like the rest of the world, we needed help. Luckily we were in a position to get help so we hired a teacher to be with our kids (ages 11 and 6) from 1-5pm to tutor them so we are lucky that they are able to learn every day from her.
What’s in store in the future? We aren’t sure. We don’t know what’s going to happen day to day, so I just know that I’m choosing to be happy every day. I saw a quote recently that really resonated with me, so I’m going to leave you with this, here:
Our Happiness is Not Based on What’s Happening to Us…
It’s All About How We React to What’s Happening to Us…
Think about that.
There is so much out of our control, but there is one thing that is in our control and that is how we react to what is going on and how we choose happiness or not.
I’m choosing happiness and choosing these 5 things to help me get through COVID-19.
How are you choosing to get through COVID-19 yourself?
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