Lindsey posing with Shaquille O'Neal at a LinkedIn event

How My Experience At LinkedIn’s Sales Connect Was A Slam Dunk

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How My Experience At LinkedIn’s Sales Connect Was A Slam Dunk

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 October 10, 2015

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Words cannot express how incredible LinkedIn’s Sales Connect conference was for me. From the obvious free throw experience with Shaquille O’Neal, to meeting folks face-to-face finally after years behind a name, to my speaking role I worked a year to secure; it was a week I’ll never forget.

If there’s one word that describes the conference for me it’s: validation.

Before I get into the main point of my post, I have to tell you the backstory on the whole Shaq encounter. It’s the biggest question I’ve gotten since the event.

I was emailed the Sunday before by the legendary Dominic Archibald of LinkedIn asking if I’d be up for throwing a free throw with Shaq because I had the highest SSI score at the conference.

My immediate reaction was to descend into a fit of laughter. As was my husband’s. You see, I’ve never played sports in my life. Ever. If you already know anything about me, you’ll know that I majored in opera; I’ve never once been involved in sports.

5 minutes after receiving the email and agreeing to do it (I thrive on outrageous challenges), we pulled the car out of the driveway and I practiced a free throw. In my high heels. Hey, it had to be realistic 😉

I made 1 out of the 5 shots, and put the basketball away and just decided to wing it.

We had a dress rehearsal an hour before showtime, and I was batting a 50% hit rate, so I took it. I was ready as I could be; I was either going to completely fail, or dominate it.

Enter: The power of positive thinking.

I was eerily calm when called onto the stage, and was more nervous about falling down the stairs than actually shooting the basketball. I was even asked to speak last minute and provide one bit of advice for social selling. Thanks, Justin Shriber, for being awesome and calming (and for holding my hand going down the stairs in heels).

Then it was time.

1st shot: in.


If that’s not “performing under pressure” I don’t know what is! Shaq’s reaction is my favorite.

love that LinkedIn and Shaq donated $10K to the Boys & Girls Club of America. I’m so proud to be a part of that.

After that, any nervousness I had for my speaking engagement the following day was completely gone. If I just nailed 2 free throws in a row in front of Shaquille O’Neal, I could speak for 45 minutes on a passionate topic, social selling with LinkedIn.

I knew social selling through Sales Navigator is the way to prospect and build relationships. I had the proof. If you’ve read my previous articles about a 50%+ return on InMails, you’ll know I’m a huge advocate and believer in Sales Navigator.

Sales Connect cemented my beliefs and only made them stronger.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t realize that we’re only just past the chasm. I thought we were much further along in social selling, but Mike Derezin’s presentation was eye opening for me as well as this visual:

So we’re just past the chasm. If you’re not using social selling to prospect, get on it now, it’s not too late! Don’t be a laggard.

Finally I’d like to take a moment and share how grateful I am to meet everyone at the conference. There are certain people I’ve known through LinkedIn for years that I finally got to meet, face-to-face. You know who you are, and it was a pleasure. And to my new friends: it’s an honor.

How was everyone else’s experience with Sales Connect? From the decor, to the food, and evening events – I give it a slam dunk! 😉

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